Echo River Ranch

   Five Plus Three
   Equals Eighty

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Thursday - August 7, 1986 page 5

After several minutes, it was decided that the best place to cross was about ten feet down stream where a log gave some support to the ank. In order to cross the horses would have to slide down the bank until the log supported their weight, leap the water, stop directly on the opposite bank among the brush and trees, then turn sharply parallel to the stream in order to get back to the trail.

Everyone dismounted and the horses were led across one at a time. Debie stood on the other bank and Dena handed the lead ropes and reins over one at a time, the riders could easily walk across the bridge. The horses showed their preference to try and cross the bridge, and when they were forced towards the water (Debie pullng and Dena pushing), their thirst stopped several of them in the water for a drink.

The bridge was a big challenge that had been over come, luckily it wasn’t a ravine to cross. The trail soon crossed road 5502, machinery was building a parking area beside the trail. Signs were posted along the trail to inform passersby that they were on Indian Reservation land, even though the map didn’t agree. The trail was a dirt road, sort of ashy sand. The group rode side by side as much as possible to cut down on the dust. Several Indians were picking berries, some were even using woven baskets, thus creating an air of authenticity. One truck drove by, sending the group into the bushes, and then proceeded to get stuck and kick up a huge cloud of dirt and dust. Some Indian children in the back of the pickup cheered the driver on as the riders tried to regroup in fresh air.

As the group crossed another dirt road the trail changed back to its regular path and crossed a nice grassy meadow, but the map showed water ahead, so everyone kept riding. Less than a mile was Midway Creek where they stopped for lunch break. The ground was slightly marshy, but had plenty to graze.



















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