Echo River Ranch

   Five Plus Three
   Equals Eighty

    <<  PAGE BACK          Tuesday - August 5, 1986          PAGE FORWARD  >>

Tuesday - August 5, 1986 page 1

Tuesday began very early in the morning when Echo got himself tangled between the picket and his lead rope. Upon hearing him thrash around, Debie got up to untangle him, but he had upset himself to the point of mild colic and he kept trying to lay down and roll. With some help from Kiki, she got him free and began walking him up and down the nearby road. After a few minutes of freedom he settled down and was fine; he was more concerned about leaving the other horses than anything else.

                         Looking down upon gravel road #8810 as it
                         disappears towards Swampy Meadows. Snag
                           Tooth Mountain is seen in the distance.

As daylight broke, an early morning wind began blowing a cold air upon the tired horses, thus causing them to shiver and move around in order to stay warm. April and Jennie were shivering so hard that Dena and Kiki had to get up and walk them so that they would warm up. While walking up and down the road, however, they discovered a trickling stream just a short ways from camp. Debie got up and dug out the stream bottom until it was sufficient to water the horses and get drinking water. She then walked the horses down one at a time so that they could drink.

After everyone was up, the horses were either tied near grass or hobbled and turned out. A breakfast of bacon and eggs was prepared, the aroma of which hung on the fresh mountain air. Upon checking the horses, Kiki had to lead Jennie and Kee-a-wali back off the road and move Penny so she could reach more grass. A light dew had fallen, so sleeping bags were hung or spread out to dry off in the sun coming through the tree tops. A bit later a large truck went by, slowing somewhere near the horses, then continuing on down the road. About that time, Echo’s hobbles broke and he headed down the road with Kee-a-wali, who had only a lead rope dragging, following at a long trot with Britt and Jennie loping after.

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