Echo River Ranch

   Five Plus Three
   Equals Eighty

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Wednesday - August 6, 1986 page 2

As everyone awoke Wednesday morning, the view upward was beautiful. The sunlight warmed the tops of the giant trees surrounding the camp, as a few of the sun beams filtered through the thick branches onto the campers. The camp area was made on the edge of a soft banked stream. Beneath the trees the ground was covered in needles, there was no under brush at all. The entrance from the trail to the camp had been outlined by small logs which formed a path into the camp.

There were square chunks of wood about three feet by one and a half feet by six inches all around the camp; they were probably planks to a bridge that had been replaced. Some wood pieces had been placed at the waters edge to prevent sinking in the soft mud. In the center of camp was a fire ring made of stacked rocks, and surrounding it the wood pieces had been stacked as chairs and tables.

That night, Critter had untied himself and wandered around the other horses and up and down the trail. Jennie, since she had no food, had eaten the bark off of the tree that she was tied near.

Breakfast was soon prepared, fried Spam on muffins with cheese and jelly muffins for seconds, so that they could get as far along the trail as possible that day. They felt confident that they would be able to reach Berry Patch; but it looked doubtful that it would be by Friday night, even though they had until Sunday afternoon. In reviewing the map, it was decided to aim for a good sized, unnamed lake on the north side of Mt. Adams between the side trails #113 and #114; that would be the evening goal and hopefully there would be a nice place to camp.

                               Watering at a trail side pond.
                            Left to right: Kiki, Kesi, and Dena.

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